Did a Kansas City web design company promise to build you a beautiful new website, but the results have been underwhelming? It is nice to have an attractive site, but aesthetics don’t matter if it doesn’t help your business grow. Check out why your website may not be helping you convert leads into new business.

Reason #1 – No One Knows Your Site Exists

Your website could be perfect, but if no one ever visits it, your business won’t grow. Help potential clients find your website with Google ads, SEO, Social Media, and WOM marketing.

Reason #2 – Low-Quality Content

Potential customers who visit your website expect high-quality, informative, and engaging content. If you fail to provide this, visitors won’t stay long and are unlikely to return. A Kansas City web design company can help you improve your website’s design.

Kansas City web design company

Reason #3 – Excessive Interstitials

Interstitials are pop-ups or ads that interrupt the user experience. If you have too many interstitials on your website, visitors will open your site and then quickly click away.

Reason #4 – It’s Too Difficult to Navigate

Your website should be easy to navigate. If your site is confusing or difficult to access, visitors will leave before making a purchase or contacting you.

Reason #5 – Lack of CTAs – Custom Website Design in Kansas City

An effective website should have clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that tell visitors what to do next. If your site doesn’t have any CTAs, or they need to be more prominent, you may be missing out on valuable conversions.

Reason #6 – Slow Loading Speeds

In today’s fast-paced world, people expect websites to load quickly. If your site takes too long to load, visitors will likely move on to a competitor’s site instead. This could be due to large image sizes, unnecessary plugins, or outdated coding.

Reason #7 – Poor Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A beautiful website is great, but it will only help your business if people can find it. Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for boosting your website’s visibility in search engine results. You will surely miss out on potential customers if you’re not utilizing proper SEO techniques.

Reason #8 – Lack of Fresh Content – Kansas City Web Design Company

Visitors may see your website as outdated or irrelevant if your website hasn’t been updated in a while. Regularly adding fresh, high-quality content to your site keeps visitors engaged, improves your SEO, and increases the likelihood of new leads.

Kansas City web design company

Reason #9 – Poorly Written or Inconsistent Branding

Your website should have a consistent brand voice and tone throughout. If your messaging is inconsistent or poorly written, it could damage your brand’s reputation and deter potential customers. Make sure your website accurately reflects your brand and its values.

Reason #10 – No Clear Value Proposition

Visitors should be able to understand what your business offers within seconds of landing on your website. If it’s not immediately clear what sets you apart from competitors, visitors may leave without exploring further. Make sure your value proposition is clear and prominently displayed on your site.

Are you looking for the very best Kansas City website companies? Contact us today!

Reason #11 – Poor Use of Keywords

Keywords are crucial for improving your website’s SEO and making it more visible to potential customers. You could be missing out on valuable web traffic if you’re not effectively utilizing keywords in your content, meta tags, and URLs. Ask your Kansas City web design company to help you integrate the right keywords into your new site.

Reason #12 – No Lead Capture Forms

If your website isn’t capturing leads, it’s not doing its job. Ensure your site includes lead capture forms that collect contact information from interested visitors. This allows you to follow up with potential customers and turn them into paying clients.

Reason #13 – Not Utilizing Local SEO – Kansas City Web Design Company

If your business operates in a specific area, utilizing local SEO techniques is essential for driving new business. This includes optimizing your website for location-based keywords and creating local listings on Google My Business and other directories.

Reason #14 – Not Mobile-Friendly

More and more people are accessing websites through mobile devices, so having a mobile-friendly website is crucial. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile users, you could lose potential customers who become frustrated with the viewing experience.

Kansas City web design company

Reason #15 – Lack of Social Proof

Social proof, such as customer reviews and testimonials, can greatly influence a visitor’s decision to do business with you. If your website lacks social proof, potential customers may be hesitant to trust or make a purchase from your business.

Reason #16 – Poor Website Design

A visually unappealing or outdated website can turn visitors away and negatively impact your brand’s image. Invest in professional web design that not only looks attractive but also effectively guides visitors towards conversion. Working with a reputable Kansas City web design company can ensure your website is visually appealing and user-friendly.

Reason #17 – Not Using Video

Video content is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. It’s engaging, easy to consume, and dramatically improves your website’s SEO. If you’re not utilizing video on your website, you could miss out on potential customers who prefer this type of content.

Reason #18 – Lack of Clear Contact Information – Kansas City Web Design Company

If potential customers have to search for your contact information, they may become frustrated and give up. Make sure your website displays your contact information, including phone number, email address, and physical address.

Reason #19 – No Blog or Content Marketing Strategy

Blogging and content marketing are effective ways to attract new visitors to your website and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. If you’re not regularly creating and promoting valuable content, you are missing out on potential leads.

Kansas City web design company

Reason #20 – Not Utilizing Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for nurturing leads and turning them into paying customers. If you’re not utilizing email marketing on your website, you could be missing out on potential conversions and building valuable relationships with customers.

Looking for the Best Custom Website Design in Kansas City? Call Social: Managed

At Social: Managed, we have a team of talented and experienced SEO experts who want to help you succeed.

Not Every Website Company in Kansas City is the Same

Social: Managed offers more than just Kansas City website design and WordPress website help in Kansas City. We can help you with SEO, copywriting, digital marketing, social media, and more. At Social: Managed, we do it all.

Kansas City web design company

If you want to improve your online presence, call our team of experts today at (866) 324-9700, or contact us online. We look forward to working with you!