SEO Companies in Kansas City Explain 3 Ways Google’s Updates Impact Your Website–This is How Google’s Updates Impact Your Website today!  2018 marked a big year of algorithm updates and changes for Google.  Every digital marketing agency in Kansas City had to prepare for a change, and learn new ways to make their client’s campaigns perform to the best of their ability.  The best website companies in Kansas City always have to re-train and re-learn the best way to do their job after a significant algorithm update, and 2018 was no different.

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SEO Companies in Kansas City Explain A Search Console Year-Plus of Data Adding 

This particular update seemed to drive a lot of Kansas City web design workers crazy but in a significant way!  This update marked the release of a new version of the Search Console, with now an updated 16 months of stored data.  This was great news for every website company in Kansas City.   Google’s search console beta wasn’t all; they also added various enticing new features to the latest version.  These updates included an Index Coverage report, alerting you when new issues arose, and an altered AMP status and Job Posting report.

These updates help make SEO Companies in Kansas City more accessible to the general business owner and marketer.  Having an extended period of data storage means that now you can deploy more in-depth analyses of your most watched long-term trends.  This update makes market research much more comfortable.

Grow Your Business With Digital Marketing Company in Kansas City Experts Committed To Your Success.

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SEO Companies in Kansas City Explain Google-Backed Twitter Accounts  

Custom website design in Kansas City doesn’t just stop at the design but continues through traffic.  Social media is a great way to gain more traffic to your site.  Through the use of Twitter, marketers have been able to get more traffic to sites in a more convenient way, but now Google has added to it.

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Ready For A New Website?  Kansas City website design CAN HELP!

While this isn’t a correct algorithm update, Google did up their game!  Google has now created the Google Searchliaison Twitter profile, the go-to source for information about everything search-related, explanation, debatable, and exciting new topics.  This update makes every digital marketing agency in Kansas City very happy!

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SEO Companies in Kansas City Explain Switching HTTP to HTTPS is Now Mandatory 

Google truly cares about the user’s experience online, and they only want the most trusted websites to be reachable.  Similar to their page speed update, Google has recently announced that starting this year websites will be required to have an SSL addition to their site, creating a better HTTPS-backed experience for their users.  Although this creates more work for even the best website company in Kansas City, this update is an excellent step toward the future.

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Ready For A New Website?  Kansas City website design CAN HELP!

It’s for the user’s good and safety.  The “S” in HTTPS stands for and represents “security.”  If an SSL is not set in place, Google will warn your visitors that your website may not be safe to browse safely.  This could increase your visitors bounce rate, which would not be beneficial, and is an issue that even Wordpress website help in Kansas City cannot fix.   


The data demonstrates that search engine optimization works. The best SEO company in Kansas City WORKS! When people get online, they do an immediate search for a product, business, or service. If you’re not on the first page, those clients will choose one of your competitors. By failing to optimize your website and engage in SEO, you will lose a substantial number of sales and brand recognition.

At Social: Managed. part of  SEO Companies in Kansas City

 our process is to design and manage an email campaign that can engage and inspire your customers. Our creative team has years of experience with Kansas City web design, measuring, and executing the best Facebook ad company in Kansas City. We aim to increase interactions between your business and your followers. We are your Kansas City SEO company.

SEO companies in Kansas City

Our objective is to create a unified marketing experience across all of our client’s digital assets. We intend to be Kansas City’s premier digital marketing agency. We will do this by communicating effectively, executing flawlessly, and becoming our clients’ SEO Company in Kansas City. Call us today at (866) 324-9700 or contact us online for more information.   

SEO Companies In Kansas City