We have all been there. You visit a new website and within five seconds of being on the page, POP goes an ad that just won’t go away. As a digital marketing company in Pensacola, we design and implement those ads. Before getting upset that they interrupt your browsing session, it is important to understand what the ads are, and the pros and cons of it. So, join us through this article to learn about the three main types of pop-up ads and the advantages and disadvantages of both. 

Types of Pop-Up Ads 

There are three main types of pop-up ads that you can see on webpages. Let’s take a look at how each of those work. 

New Page Pop-Ups 

A new page pop up creates a new page in a new tab or window. This is not a common ad anymore because that action is typically blocked by browsers, stopping you from initially leaving the page you were on. These ads are also not as effective on mobile screens, so they have gotten pushed to the side throughout the years.  

Full Page Pop-Ups 

These pop-ups are the ones that are typically cringed over. They take over the whole page and stop you from viewing exactly what you were on the page to look at. They prevent the user from reading the content or navigating the website unless an action is taken. Because of their disruptive, distracting nature, they should be used sparingly. 

digital marketing company in Pensacola

In-Browser Pop-Ups 

Finally, in-browser pop-ups are the most commonly used type of pop up. These pop-ups are the small dialogue boxes that appear either along the side in the form of a chat box, as a floater on the side or as a tiny text box when one hovers their cursor over a “trigger” word. These are more effective than new page pop-ups and are less distracting than full-page pop-ups. These types of pop-ups are great for subscriptions, remote, on-demand chat help, and free download offers. 

Advantages of Pop-Up Ads 

  • It Puts Your Website Visitor’s Attention Where You Want It 
  • Encourages Conversions 
  • They Can Remind the Visitor of Deals, Specials, and Important Events 

Disadvantages of Pop-Up Ads 

  • Pop Ups Can Lower Your SEO Ranking 
  • Many Users Find Pop-Ups Annoying 
  • Pop Ups Can Distract and Confuse Website Visitors 

Every type of ad has a set of advantages and disadvantages. It is important to take a look closely at each of those and evaluate whether or not those are risks you want to take. If you are wondering what the right move is for your next marketing campaign, consider hiring the best digital marketing company in Pensacola to help guide you today. 

Hire the Best Digital Marketing Company in Pensacola Today! 

Are you ready to up your digital marketing campaign? Give our team at Social: Managed., a call today! We are ready to prepare any ad you want made, whether a pop-up ad on your website or a Google Display Retargeting Ad. Our team can design and implement a variety of ads and we would love to help you today. Reach us at (866) 324-9700 to discuss your marketing goals and how our team can help today!