13 Ways to Use an SEO Company In Kansas City (and Boost Your Web Development!)–Are you looking for ideas to make your WordPress website more attractive and interactive? Look no further than CreativeMinds’ Visual Blog Widgets Plugin, the Compact Archives plugin, WordPress Tab Widget, Google Maps Widget, and Social Links Manager Widget. This combination of powerful plugins from WordPress and creative design solutions from Social: Managed – an SEO Company in Kansas City – will create a vibrant and intuitive experience that organizes content for users while providing unparalleled visibility for your business. No matter what industry you’re in, have the most successful website design possible with these great plugins!SEO Company in Kansas City

Table of Contents

Widgets for a Creative and Visual Blog Plugin

The Visual Blog Widgets plugin was designed by CreativeMinds, and it enables the best website company in Kansas City to add up to five individualized blog widgets to your WordPress website or blog. These widgets make it simpler to highlight the various tags, categories, and genres that are associated with the content of your website or blog. Widgets such as the dynamic cloud, word cloud, color cloud, bubble chart, and single random post are examples of what can be included.

With Social: Managed on your team – a Kansas City SEO Company that takes pride in providing creative design solutions – you will be able to ensure that you make the most of this fantastic WordPress widget for your upcoming project by utilizing it to its full potential.

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The Compact Format Archives

The wonderful widgets that Kansas City web developers incorporate into their work would make the industry incomparable if it weren’t for them being used. The WordPress plugin known as Compact Archives is available for free and is highly recommended for use on blogs.

You can be certain that the monthly blog categories are displayed in a manner that is more organized and streamlined by making use of this fantastic plugin thanks to the expertise of Social: Managed, which is an SEO Company in Kansas City that is well-versed in the best ways to organize projects to achieve maximum efficiency. Social: Managed is a company that specializes in social media marketing.SEO Company in Kansas City

Widget for WordPress Tabs.

Website developers in Kansas City have a useful tool at their disposal in the form of the WordPress Tab Widget, particularly when they have Social: Managed working for them. They are able to display multiple widgets on the same page, each of which appears in its own tab thanks to this widget. The tabs can be customized by developers using Social: Managed’s particular brand of modern web design elements, as well as cutting-edge search engine optimization (SEO) techniques from their partners at an SEO Company in Kansas City.


Improving your site’s visibility. Best website companies in Kansas City

These techniques allow for the addition of different backgrounds and fonts to create a dynamic website that organizes itself while providing visitors with an immersive and user-friendly experience. Your Kansas City web developers will be able to guarantee that site visitors will never overlook an important piece of content by utilizing this widget and the assistance of Social: Managed, in addition to the assistance provided by their reliable SEO company ally.

Google Maps Widget
Try out the Google Maps Widget, which is made simple thanks to the expertise of Social: Managed, if you’re looking for a custom web design in Kansas City that really stands out from the crowd. This WordPress plugin provides you with complete control over the appearance of your maps, allowing you to generate a presentation that is tailored to perfection for your company or event, irrespective of the sector to which it belongs.SEO Company in Kansas City

With Social: Managed at your service, you are able to display your address, phone number, opening times, as well as stunning location photos, all on one convenient map. And thanks to their talented partner SEO Company In Kansas City, you can rest easy knowing that clients will never have trouble finding you again due to poor online visibility with this wonderful widget.

Widget for the Management of Social Links
Because of the hard work of the Social: Managed team, customers from Kansas City and beyond will have easy access to all of your social media accounts by making use of Code Canyon’s Social Links Manager Plugin. This is just one of the many ways that Social: Managed makes this possible. This plugin, when combined with the assistance provided by Social: Managed, enables you to obtain dependable access to links from any location on your website with a minimum of effort.


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Use it with Twitter, Instagram, or any other popular platform. You can add value to any WordPress website project by providing quick and reliable access to all of your social profiles with the assistance of these clever minds, which are responsible for Kansas City’s premier web development projects. In addition, you can benefit from the insights provided by their skilled collaborating partners at an SEO Company in Kansas City.SEO Company in Kansas City

Dynamic Cloud Widget

The Dynamic Cloud widget from CreativeMinds is an invaluable asset for website developers in Kansas City, and when it’s used with Social: Managed’s design prowess – and help from their partners at an SEO Company in Kansas City – you can guarantee that tags, categories, and genres on your blog or WordPress site will be displayed accurately in a modern way. This widget allows you to customize the appearance of each tag with different fonts & colors that fit your brand’s look – allowing users to search quickly & effectively while they’re on your site!

Image Carousel Widget

Create stunning visuals with the Image Carousel widget from CreativeMinds! With tools supplied by Social: Managed’s creative web masters – as well as guidance from the SEO Company In Kansas City experts – this WordPress plugin is ideal for displaying full-width images in a post, page or sidebar & allows people to scroll through them easily without ever having to leave your website. Your content will look modern & professional thanks to this fantastic solution – adding visual appeal to any project from Kansas City’s WordPress website help in Kansas City!


User Generated Content Widget

User Generated Content (UGC) is becoming more important than ever for websites across industries looking for unique content ideas for their pages. The UGC Widgets Plugin adds powerful new features like user ratings, comments & profiles; so you can trust that visitors won’t miss any of your posts no matter where they are on your site.

Let the web design professionals at Social: Managed create an engaging platform with help from their associates at an SEO Company In Kansas City – and establish an impressive online presence with user ratings, comments & profiles based off this powerful widget.SEO Company in Kansas City

Advanced Search Widgets

Important information on your website should never be hard to find, and thanks to the Advanced Search Widgets Plugin you don’t have to worry about visitors missing out on essential content. This WordPress plugin enables powerful search features that let customers quickly locate what they need – whether it’s blog posts or products – making your site more interactive and enjoyable for them.

A perfect complement to any web design project in Kansas City, this widget ensures that every page is easily accessible with help from Social: Managed’s modern web development– as well as their partner SEO Company In Kansas City – so people can quickly find what they need for a pain free browsing experience!

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Multi Language Widget

Web developers in Kansas City now have another invaluable tool at their disposal – The Multi-Language Widget from CreativeMinds! Now businesses with customers all over the world can rest assured knowing that their websites can be translated in multiple languages so everyone can access important content. Accurate translations are easy with Social: Managed’s talented designers on the job – as well as expert guidance from an SEO Company In Kansas City – so there will be no language barriers preventing people from enjoying your exceptional work!

Animations & Parallax Plugin

The Animations & Parallax Plugin allows you to add eye-catching animations and parallax effects to any page of your website, transforming it into something truly mesmerizing.

With help from Social: Managed and an SEO Company In Kansas City, these animations will not only look amazing but also improve engagement between customers & page elements because of their dynamic visual appeal. Make sure your website stands out with creative custom web design work in Kansas City by investing in this incredible plugin today!SEO Company in Kansas City

Contact Form Widget

The Contact Form widget from CreativeMinds is the perfect way to make sure visitors have an easy way to reach out to your business. With help from Social: Managed‘s experienced web developers – and input from their partner SEO Company In Kansas City – you can customize this plugin so it will look professional & complement your overall website design in Kansas City. This plugin also integrates with popular services like Google Maps, YouTube, & social media buttons so creating a contact form is quick & simple for you – and completely effortless for your customers!

Rating Widgets Plugin

Getting honest opinions on your website or blog posts is crucial for growth, and the Rating Widgets Plugin allows you to get user ratings instantly! Thanks to modern web development tools used by professionals like Social: Managed – as well as input from the top-rated SEO Company In Kansas City – compiling user reviews has never been easier. Now customers can express their opinions quickly & effectively while they’re still on your page. You will know exactly what people think of your online projects in Kansas City with this incredible plugin!

Optimizing your website for success. SEO company in Kansas City

Banner Widget Plugin

Adding banners to pages on your blog or WordPress site couldn’t be easier when you use the Banner Widget Plugin created by CreativeMinds. The banner images can be easily customized thanks to Social: Managed’s talented web designers – as well as assistance from their partners at an SEO Company In Kansas City – so customers are more likely to click through links that match your branding & visual style. Make sure users land in the right spot without ever leaving your page with help from this amazing widget!

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This plugin will absolutely take your Kansas City web design to the next level!  This plugin is responsive and can add favorite posts, comments, or other recent news and different information to any page on your website through the tab.  This widget is free and is available only through WordPress.  It’s incredibly user-friendly and will pair great with any website.

We aim to increase interactions between your business and your followers. We are your SEO company in Kansas City! 

The data demonstrates that search engine optimization works. The best SEO company in Kansas City WORKS! When people get online, they do an immediate search for a product, business, or service. If you’re not on the first page, those clients will choose one of your competitors. By failing to optimize your website and engage in SEO, you will lose a substantial number of sales and brand recognition.


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Our objective is to create a unified marketing experience across all of our clients’ digital assets. We intend to be Kansas City’s premier digital marketing agency. We will do this by communicating effectively, executing flawlessly, and becoming our clients’ SEO Company in Kansas City.