Creating blogs that nobody reads can be very frustrating, especially as a digital marketing agency in Kansas City. However, you shouldn’t just be relying on blogs to increase your company’s SEO and pull in more customers. Your business strategy should also include a social media and advertising presence.

However, at Social: Managed., a leading digital marketing company in Kansas City, we understand how important blogs can be to your business’s SEO strategy, so we’ve listed a few reasons your blogs might not be receiving any engagement.

Your Blogs Don’t Have a Relevant Focus

If you’re in the painting business, odds are your clients don’t want to read about makeup reviews. You need to ensure the blogs that you are writing are relevant to your business’s niche. You’ll find that the more you focus on your niche, the higher your engagement rate will be.

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You Aren’t Writing with SEO In Mind

SEO is an important aspect of blog writing. While there are social media strategies that can give your business a short-term boost in traffic, experts believe that a lot of the long-term traffic businesses receive is because of SEO. Although you cannot improve your Google rankings overnight, there are some ways to improve the SEO of your blogs.

  • Hire an experienced SEO company in Kansas City
  • Include SEO keywords and phrases in the title, subheadings, and the body text
  • Install tools and plug-ins to help monitor your content’s SEO
  • Boost your blog post’s traffic by advertising it on social media
Digital Marketing Agency In Kansas City

Your Content is Too Self-Promotional

Many readers won’t read a blog that only promotes your company or product. Too many blogs are stuffed with self-promotional content, making it clear to the reader that this blog doesn’t benefit them as much as it does the business.

Try to focus your blogs on topics that can benefit your customers. For example, a quality Kansas City SEO company will recommend DIY painting guides and painting trends for blogs that focus on interior and exterior painting.

You Don’t Post or Edit Regularly

Nobody is going to keep up with your blog if you do not have a regular posting schedule. You don’t have to post a new blog every day, but it does help to post on the same dates simultaneously. Many SEO companies in Kansas City suggest posting once or twice a week (like every Monday and Wednesday for example). Sticking to a specific schedule can help keep your blog traffic steady.

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Are You Ready to Work with a Trusted Digital Marketing Agency in Kansas City?

Social: Managed. is a leading digital marketing company in Kansas City that wants to help our customers meet their goals. We can evaluate your business’s current SEO plan and develop a strategy tailored specifically to your needs. It is our ultimate goal to ensure that each client receives the results they desire.

If you are interested in hiring an SEO company for your business, contact us online, or give us a call at (866) 324-9700 to discuss a free social life audit.